In recent weeks, shortage concerns have sent many consumers running to their local convenience stores to stock up on this necessity and prepare for what many believe will be a national toilet paper predicament – and who can blame them? Just the thought of being caught without a means to proper bathroom hygiene is enough to trigger toileting concerns in even the most confident among us. Toilet paper has long been one of the first items to disappear in the panic of a shortage run and with recent coronavirus fears, we’ve seen the once Charmin-clad shelves of every supermarket, grocery store, and big-box outlet sacked in service of a doomsday prep the likes of which we haven’t seen since maybe Y2K. Shortages in everything from hand sanitizer to bottled water have rocked the supermarket scene but the deficit that has people especially concerned involves the one item we just cannot seem to live without – or can we? The Toilet Paper Shortage In the last couple of months, the slow spread and subsequent hysteria surrounding COVID-19, or coronavirus, has caused panic in world markets, restrictions on air travel, and now we’re seeing its effects even in our day-to-day shopping routines and hygiene regimens.