Sadly, such seems to be the trend in many venues worldwide-the replacement of reasoned discussion with screeching and uncompromising/unhearing/illogical rhetoric.
#Youtube foreigner series#
“Naked shall I return.”Ī pith little snippet of wisdom is in the new Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power series on Amazon Prime, in which a character quips: “What’s the good of livin’ if we’re not livin’ good?”, not meaning living in luxury, but rather in doing what is moral, charitable and right.Īnother thing we encounter is if you peruse accounts of your interests on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, presenters often commenting about “haters” who post nasty comments. Rather, should we not heed Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21) Even the non-believer can see the wisdom of this, for who does not want to be well thought of at their death? Said no one ever: “What a great guy … so greedy and arrogant and caring little for others!” … much like the fact that nobody ever dies wishing they had worked even longer and harder, neglecting important things even more, to acquire more stuff. Do we not know that simple phrase is true? As they say, there’s no trailer on a hearse.

As Job said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21). But we must realize that, in the end, it’s all just fool’s gold-very pretty on the outside, but of little real and lasting worth. Yes, we do love our pride and to be admired. We certainly see this in the motivation for crime: embezzlement, extortion, etc., people risking years or decades in prison simply to have slightly better boxes to drive, boxes to live in, extravagant travels, etc. Having counseled more than a few couples, this often leads to the end of relationships as one spouse drains the savings, even spiraling them into hopeless debt-all for “stuff”, ostentation and bragging rights. This touches on how many people seem to set their value on their net worth, and why many are never happy with what they have but are always grasping for more. They seem to be a type of one-upmanship-“See, I can buy what’s new can you?” (Apparently a new “fashion” for young women are jeans which look like a lion’s discarded scratching post. If it's a dark time, I'll light the way, and then someday your memory will do that for me," Cavanagh shared.The concept of seasonal fashions has always perplexed many of us. "It's just this idea of going on even after someone has left. His daughter wanted him to know his memory would live on in music. "It was just a small gift that we could send, and something that they could keep with them long after that person had passed," Cavanagh told People.Ĭavanagh recently penned a song, titled "Singing Your Name," for a 38-year-old dad who was dying of cancer. Many times, the lyrics to the song are printed out, framed and given to the patients' loved ones. The song is then written, recorded and sent to the individual.

Patients' families fill out a questionnaire so the songwriter can get to know the individua.

Now, Cavanagh and her team of 50-plus volunteers write original songs for individuals who are dying so their life story can be heard in song. In the beginning, patients wanted to hear covers of their favorite songs. He said, 'I want you to keep writing for this specific population of people, people who are at the end of their lives who sometimes go forgotten and their stories aren't always told,'" Cavanagh explained. I would love for you to be able to continue this well beyond the pandemic.' But his only stipulation was it has to be a nonprofit.
#Youtube foreigner for free#
"He was so generous and said, 'You've been doing this for free for 18 months.